

Genre: Crime / Thriller / Action

Starring: Jason Statham, Jennifer Lopez

Director: Taylor Hackford

Release Date: 25 January 2013

The story is about the thief Parker who follows his own policy or values. He never steals anything from someone who is poor or will not harm someone who is innocent. Well, that is character and will not compromise with his values. He has joined with a crew of five members to carry out some job. Everything is going well, but suddenly head of crew member shot Parker (intended to kill Parker). But Parker survives somehow and wanted to take revenge on his former crew members and crew leader.  He went to Florida and take help from a real estate agent to find out their plans and take revenge for what they did to him. Actor Jason Statham like other movies of him he has played amazing stunt sequences and chasing sequences.

Jason Statham

Jennifer Lopez

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