Promised Land

Promised Land

Genre: Drama

Starring: Matt Damon, John Krasinski, Frances McDormand

Director: Gus Van Sant

Release Date: 28 December 2012

Two corporate salesmen from Natural Gas Company arrive at a small town to buy the drilling rights from the residents living in the town. They thought buying this drilling right is going to be very easy because town was badly hit by a economic decline and local residents were desperately looking for money to get the things right. So, Steve Butler and his partner Sue Thomason approach the local residents and propose the company’s offer. But whole thing has gone tough when they get the objection from school teacher who is supported by grassroots campaign.  I feel like this is happening everywhere. End of the day farmers losing the land for a debt. Movie has just visualized the exactly what is happening to farmers around the world.

Matt Damon

John Krasinski
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