Flight – Ready to Takeoff


Genre: Drama

Starring: Denzel Washington, Don Cheadle, Kelly Reilly, John Goodman, Bruce Greenwood, Melissa Leo

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Release Date: 02 November 2012

Denzel Washington as Whip Whitaker who is a commercial pilot. The story revolves around him who has saved his passengers from crash by doing emergency landing. After that incident he become top of the story. But investigation about the crash revealed that Whip had alcohol in his system during the flight and he may have to spend most of his time in prison. Denzel Washington is known for his amazing performance. His movie “The Hurricane” has got him a good reorganization in American Cine Industry. Director Robert Zemeckis is awesome, I always admired his creation and I would say I’ve enjoyed almost all of his creations. Movies like Forrest Gump, The Pursuit of Happiness, Cast Away, The Polar Express, A Christmas Carol are amazing movies where I enjoyed to the core. Look like most of the time or for any movie directed by Robert is getting nominated for Oscar, BAFTA and Golden Globe. I’ve just got to see this Flight movie trailer and felt like I am going to enjoy once again like I enjoyed any of his movie. Movie is getting released today (02nd November 2012) and can’t wait anymore.

Denzel Washington

Don Cheadle
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