Pusher - Once Again

Genre: Crime

Starring: Richard Coyle, Agyness Deyn, Bronson Webb, Mem Ferda, Zlatko Buric

Director: Luis Prieto

Release Date: 26 October 2012

This is the remake movie of Nicolas Winding’s movie with same name Pusher released in the year 1996 followed by Pusher 2 (2004) and Pusher 3 (2005). The movie is about a fun loving guy Frank who is a drug Pusher in London. He just had a great time in his life but everything started going out of control. He got trapped in his own world and there is no space for anything in his life. He left alone and life is filled with danger and fear. Well, that‘s the crux of the story. Purely a remake. Richard Coyle has acted as Frank and Agyness Deyn has acted as Stripper. Yet to watch this movie, I feel like I should watch this one before I could watch Pusher (1996). Original always has its mark and cannot be compared. 

Richard Coyle

Agyness Deyn
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