Alex Pandian

Alex Pandian

Genre: Action / Comdey

Starring: Karthi, Anushka Shetty, Santhanam, Nikhita Thukral, Sanusha, Prathap Pothen

Director: Suraj

Release Date: 13 January 2013

Alex Pandian seems to be coming up with more of action oriented. Actor Karthi is playing a lead role in this movie. After a consecutive victory of Karthi’s movie which has been recently released like Siruthai, Saguni, this movie called “Alex Pandian” is getting released soon. So, expectation among Tamil audience has also grown higher. Anushka Shetty is also doing a lead role with Karthi. Comedy Actor Santhanam is again teaming up with Karthi like past movies like Siruthai and Saguni where the combination has got good reorganization among audience. So, Director Suraj has tried same combination in Alex Pandian, hope it will work out once again. Trailer has already been released and from Trailer I could figure it out movie is having good action sequences and in one scene Karthi is coming up with Police uniform which shows that again Karthi is going to treat us with Police based story like previous movie.  Top of all that the title “Alex Pandian” is really catchy where it reminds me the Super Star Rajinikanth Movie called muntrumugam which was super hit movie. 


Anushka Shetty

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