This Must Be the Place - Rock Star

This Must Be the Place

Genre: Drama

Starring: Sean Penn, Frances McDormand

Director: Paolo Sorrentino

Release Date: 02 November 2012

Cheyenne is a former Rock Star. He got retired and very bored about his retirement.  So, he travelled to New York to finish his father’s undone job. He wanted to find his father’s torment by a Nazi war criminal. He travels to New York and found that his father is persecuted by SS Officer Aloise Lange. Cheyenne wanted to find Lange who is hiding in USA. Then Cheyenne met different personality and wanted to buy a gun for revenge. Cheyenne finally track down the Lange with help of Professional Nazi Hunter. But he changed his mind and travels back to his home and cut down his rock star hair. It is kind of realization and moving to the next stage in his life which is what expressed at the end of the movie. Sean Penn and Frances McDormand played a major role in the movie. 

Sean Penn

Frances McDormand
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