Red Dawn - New War to Fight

Red Dawn

Genre: Action / War

Starring: Chris Hemsworth, Josh Peck, Josh Hutcherson, Adrianne Palicki, Isabel Lucas, Connor Cruise, Jeffrey Dean Morgan

Director: Dan Bradley

Release Date: 21 November 2012

Red Dawn movie is based on the movie with same name “Red Dawn” which was released in the year 1984. Well, some says this Red Dawn which is going to be released this November 2012 is complete remake. The movie is about the invasion of North Korea in Spokane City in USA and there is a group of people who call themselves as Wolverines fight bravely against the enemy to protect their country and people. In the previous version of Red Dawn movie, country was invaded by Soviet Union with their allies. So, that may be only difference in this new version, where they just changed their enemy this time. This time enemy seems to be very powerful; North Korea has invented some device or weapon and launches their device against USA. Wolverines have to defeat their new launch to safeguard their nation. Movie has come up with mind blowing action sequence and special effects add more value to it. 

Chris Hemsworth

Josh Peck

Josh Hutcherson

Adrianne Palicki

Isabel Lucas

Connor Cruise

Jeffrey Dean Morgan

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