

Genre: Science Fiction

Starring: Noomi Rapace, Michael Fassbender, Guy Pearce, Idris Elba, Logan Marshall-Green, Charlize Theron

Director: Ridley Scott

Release Date: 30 May 2012

Prometheus is a Science Fiction movie, may be it can be the continuation of Predator and Alien vs. Predator movie. Story of this movie is happening in the year 2089. So, it is like looking ahead of our future. Story goes like this; Elizabeth Shaw and Charlie Holloway discover the map and interpret to find who has created this human race. Peter Weyland, founder of the Weyland Corporation funds the research. The ship started the travel with a crew and reaches the Alien Temple in the Prometheus Land.

The crew enters the temple to find if there is any alien is still alive (alien called as Engineers). Crew found artifacts, statues and dead giant alien. David who is the one among the crew secretly returned bottle kind of a thing from temple which contains dark liquid.  David intentionally infects the Charlie with that dark liquid. Charlie is affected badly because of that dark liquid. Mean while David discover the living alien. Peter Weyland wanted to get help from living engineer to get rid of his death, but living alien started killing the crew member also Weyland. How Shaw stops that alien and escape from that place is going to be the rest of the story. The movie seems to be thrilling and special effects are amazing.

Noomi Rapace

Michael Fassbender

Guy Pearce

Idris Elba

Logan Marshall-Green

Charlize Theron
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