

Genre: Action / Thriller

Starring: Vikram, Jiiva, Tabu, Lara Dutta, Isha Sharvani

Director: Bejoy Nambiar

Release Date: 1 February 2013

Actor Vikram and Jiiva are playing the major role. For the first time Vikram and Jiiva are teaming up in this movie. Vikram and Jiiva are having the same name called “David” in this movie and whole story is about their life. Vikram is an easy going and he wanted to enjoy every bit of his life. He never cares about anything nor worries about any one. Jiiva is guitarist and looking for the better opportunity to prove his talent and holding greater aspiration in his life. He plays major stunt sequence in this movie. So, both are leading a very different life and there may be the situation where they may have to come together. 




Lara Dutta

Isha Sharvani

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