

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Maggie Smith, Tom Courtenay, Pauline Collins, Billy Connolly, Michael Gambon

Director: Dustin Hoffman

Release Date: 28 December 2012

Reggie, Cecily and Wilfred are retired from operatic quartet and they were living in Beecham House which is a home for retired musicians. They used to organize a concert on Giuseppe Verdi’s birthday every year. They were planning to organize concert on Giuseppe Verdi’s birthday but this time it is not that easy. There is a new arrival of a member in the concert. Jean who is an ex-wife of Reggie has arrived before the concert. So, they may have their past rivalries and making the audience wonder whether the concert will happen successfully this year. Maggie Smith acted as Jean and Tom acted as Reggie. Movie seems to full of comedy and musical. 

Maggie Smith

Tom Courtenay

Pauline Collins

Billy Connolly

Michael Gambon
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