Ramya Nambeesan is becoming Director

Ramya Nambeesan is cute, talented, busy actress in South Cine Industry. She has got numerous opportunities in both Malayalam and Tamil Cine Industry. Whenever she is done with shooting, she won’t leave the spot, instead working closely with Assistant Directors and Cameraman. She shows depth interest in learning their work and equip herself with the technical knowledge. Whole crew members have started wondering why she is suddenly so much interested in technical stuff. Though she is having tight schedule and back to back projects both in Tamil and Malayalam, whenever she finds time she put so much determination in learning Direction and Cinematography.
Sometimes back she was introduced as singer, however unlike other actresses she had widen her scope in Cine Industry. Her future plan is to move to Direction. She is actively looking for good subject for her first film to direct and at same time working firm to learn new things in Direction. Hope, soon she will emanate as a Director in future.
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