Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger - Merry Christmas

Nativity 2: Danger in the Manger

Genre: Comedy

Starring: David Tennant, Jessica Hynes, Marc Wootton, Pam Ferris, Ian McNeice, Joanna Page

Director: Debbie Isitt

Release Date: 23 November 2012

“Nativity2: Danger in the Manager” is a follow up of movie called “Nativity” released in the year 2009. David Tennant is playing a double role as Donald Peterson and as Roderick Peterson as twins. Donald Peterson is working as Teacher in some moderate school and having great deal in managing the boisterous students in the class. He is staying with his father and with his alienated identical twin Roderick Peterson. Mr. Poppy who is the class room assistant wanted this school to enter the National Sing a Song for Christmas Competition. He had also conveniences Donald to be part of it. On other hand Roderick Peterson also competing in this National Competition. Well they are taking a road trip to reach Christmas Castle in Wales to participate in the competition. They face so many challenges in the trip and how are they going to win the competition is going to be the rest of the story. 

David Tennant

Joanna Page
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