Life of Pi - Bengal Tiger

Life of Pi

Genre: Adventure / 3D

Starring: Suraj Sharma, Tabu, Adil Hussain, Irrfan Khan, Gerard Depardieu, Rafe Spall

Director: Ang Lee

Release Date: 21 November 2012
Movie is based on the novel called “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel. The story is about a boy who was living with their parent’s in Pondicherry (India). Due to some unavoidable reason Pi and his family vacate from Pondicherry and they were sailing in a ship with some animals onboard. But unfortunately their ship sinks by a storm. When Pi comes to consciousness, he could find himself in life boat with a Bengal Tiger, hyena, zebra and orangutan. How is he going to survive in the middle of the ocean with wild animals is going to be the rest of the story. Novel has got a good reorganization and I feel movie is going to be very much interesting alike novel. Movie seems to be very well pictured with Indian Traditional Culture with essence of Spirituality. Suraj Sharma from India has acted as Pi.

Suraj Sharma


Adil Hussain

Irrfan Khan
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